As most of you know by now our partner and guitar picker Leonardo Magnelli is currently on injured reserve and trying to heal and rehab a fractured hand (never a good look for a guy that makes his living with his hands). We have been fortunate that our old friends Dave Arazmo and Kyle Ashley have been kind enough to step in his slot temporarily so that can fulfill our obligations to all of you and those that hire us to entertain you. The good news is that Leo is properly on the mend and doing well during the process. Bad news (if there is really such a thing in thee BBB world) is that instead of the 2 weeks we were hoping it would take for his return have now turned into 3, meaning that Leo will probably not be rejoining the fold until late June/Early July. We appreciate everyone’s patience and support while we “go through it” and will continue to try and bring you the very best BBB we can be… Without “Fernando” !!!